Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 14 #2

I will write another ten step procedure because it was fun and reflects me a lot without letting the reader know who is writing it!

10 Reasons why everyone should date a cheerleader

#1 They can bend... in any position.

#2 They are loud- this isn't always a bad thing.

#3 They can be a good show-off tool at parties. Drunk tumbling anyone?

#4 She won't be shy when she meets your parents. Maybe that should go on the ten reasons NOT to date a cheerleader?

#5 They can dance like no ones business.

#6 They usually are fit and look good in tight clothes.

#7 Contrary to popular belief, they are smart. How many people do you know can count to 8 for 2:30 seconds straight without losing track?

#8 Performing daunting tasks with a smile on their face since 800 B.C. (Not the real date, FYI)

#9 She will cheer you on during any task. (G-O wash those dishes Go!)

#10 Refer to #1.


Week 14 #1

I'm having a hard time coming up with some creative juices on this one.. I'm spinning off of Josie Jo's list but making my own :)

Ten ways to tell that you've had one too many drinks.

#1 If you call your boyfriend crying, it's time to stop- just go to bed.

#2 If you can walk better in high heels than before you started to drink, it's time to stop. Although impressive.

#3 If you see a guy who is as tall as he is round and you tell him that he is yummy like a meatball. Go get a bowl of popcorn and lay down.

#4 If you start telling girls who are wearing stained sweatpants that their outfit is incredible you should stop drinking.

#5 If you walk into the mens bathroom, play it cool and say you're looking for your boyfriend, then get the hell out!

#6 If you attempt to wall tweak and fall on your face, go home. And use this as a reminder to wear spandex under your skirt next time.

#7 If you feel like the bitch in the corner is trash talking you, she probably is. Don't make eye contact because if she is sober enough to talk about you, she is sober enough to kick your drunk ass for eyeing her wrong.

#8 If you feel as though your afternoon chili is going to be a show for everyone around you, find the nearest bathroom even if it means completely disregarding #5 then go home and sleep in the bathtub.

#9 If everyone around you said you've had enough, YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH.

#10 If you contemplate cheating on your boyfriend. Run. Just run.


Week 13 Prompt


I will never understand the way that some girls think. They think that violence is the answer, that fighting will solve all problems. I often wonder why I was so blessed (sarcasm) to be put in a high school with such mean people. Maybe I got lucky and it helped me understand that girls are just plain rude and to not be sucked into their issues.

I stuck up for a friend. I regret it now because of all the drama it caused. And she didn't even thank me. I told another girl to back off and stop hurting my friend. She decided to harass me and show up at my house. She brought her parents so I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. Her dad responded with "Got something to say to my daughter?" I bursted into a fit of laughter at the fact that this bully was having her dad fight her battles. I told them to leave and of course he didn't. It didn't take long before I was in a fit of rage. I was about to grab the door handle off my screen door that always fell off and hit them both in the face. I simply told them to leave or I'd call the police. That worked, I'm glad that I handled my anger with intelligence rather than violence.

Say no to bullying!

Week 13 Prompt


Houses hold all kinds of treasures. Old memories that you didn't know existed. Under the floorboards are old plywood pieces with the names of the homeowners in 1895 the year the house was built. Only to be discovered a hundred years later by a renovating couple. It has the potential to evoke a lot of emotion and bring a feeling of nostalgia.

Going through my closet feels the same way. Unraveling old homework assignments from my freshman year of high school. Seeing how my terrible penmanship hasn't changed a bit. The un-dotted i  and the hook on my r's. Reading different assignments about what I want to do with my future. Being a psychiatrist and wondering what the hell I was thinking. Maybe I should've seen one and asked them why I actually considered going to college for 8+ years.

Going through my closet and finding old photos and old friends. Wondering why I chose the outfits that I did while my cheeks turn rosy with embarrassment. It makes me think that in another five or ten years, I will be looking back on my life now. Maybe I'll even go on this blog and see how atrocious my sentence structure is.  Embarrassed to show any of my future students.* I think that I will look back at old photos of myself, my boyfriend, my friends and kick myself for missing opportunities. I hope there is more happiness in my future than regret.

*Going to be an English teacher :)

Week 13 Prompt


His hand touched mine, I felt the electricity surge through my body. Such a simple gesture created so much emotion, so much passion. It was as if nothing else mattered and I was here alone with him. As I felt his skin on mine I wondered how it could get any better, how such a spark could be ignited again. His arm grazed mine and the spark was back. He pulled me in close to him with his hand on the small of my back. The feeling of skin, so soft and smooth made me close my eyes and enjoy the moment. I knew the more times he did it, the less spark there would be each time. I could feel the muscles deep in my stomach tighten up as he moved his hand down to my leg.

Why does the body evoke such a passion for other people? Why do we feel as though we need others to fulfill a void in ourselves? Psychology says in order to have a full feeling of self achievement we need love in our lives. Why can't we provide ourselves with love instead of relying on others? Why can't I touch my own hand and feel the same spark that someone else created?

Week 13 Theme

It amazes me how people so long before electricity and proper building instructions can build things. How was it that in the 1800's could men build vast bridges and huge trains with no power tools, no cranes to lift the heavy materials? How was this safe at all? More importantly how are these structures safe to still use? Train trestles really confuse me the most. Mostly because I walk on the biggest one I've ever seen multiple times a year.

It is hard to describe the feeling of walking across such a huge structure built so long ago. Looking at the old wood wondering how the hell is this going to hold me and my dogs let alone a million ton train? It is baffling to me. Looking over the edge seeing the tops of the tall maple trees just out of my reach. Knowing if I fell over I'd splat onto the jagged rocks and shallow water below. It makes the trip out to Ellitosville so much sweeter knowing that I'm standing on a structure that was made by the bare hands of men, not with power tools and special cranes.

One time I was walking along the four board wide walk way into the smack dab middle of the tracks. Over a hundred feet down and mountains and lakes as far as the eye could see, my intriguing self wanted to capture the beauty through the lens of a camera- is that even possible? As I stood there looking like a typical tourist with my camera held high for the millionth time that summer, my two dogs stood by my side quivering as they stared down to the depths below- obviously not feeling the beauty of the scene. They'd much rather be at home chewing on a bone. Soggy, yellow bones are much prettier than trees and mountains.

 I was enjoying the silence with my sister far ahead enjoying it too when we both heard a noise. It sounded like a four wheeler coming. We both looked up and around the corner was a train. Coming at us. My stomach dropped to my toes as I started in a full sprint to the end. I was running so fast that I could feel my lungs about to burst. As I realized that both of my dogs were free of their leashes I panicked. I went to grab my dog and hitch her back on the leash. Just as I bent over to grab her, the train wooshed by me as fast as lightening. Wind was howling past me and I thought I was going to blow off the tracks. My dog in a state of hysteria, didn't know which way to go, jump under the train or jump off the tracks. My eyes filled with tears as each step I made towards her, she jumped a little closer to the train.

After what seemed an eternity of rushing wind and sheer panic, the train stopped and let us off the tracks. I grabbed my dog and sprinted the rest of the way to the edge. My sister close behind with her dog now leashed as well. I got off the tracks and counted my blessings that day. It was the most exhilarating day of my life. And after all my doubt that a man made track could hold such a huge piece of transportation wooshed out the door just as the train did by me.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 12 Prompt

The walls are so ugly in here. Fluorescent green. It's always cold and the teacher is so dry. I hate Shakespeare. He seemed like a gay man that had way too much free time on his hands. Maybe he should've spent more time with his wife so she'd be worth more than his "second best bed". Honestly, I don't understand why we have to learn about him. His plays are lame, depressing and I can hardly understand the language he is speaking. Is it even English? He should write a Shakespearean tragedy about the life of Danielle Mower sitting in this English class.

Maybe I will just concentrate on the pictures on the wall. They probably have more use than this garbage. Oh a new "Thought of the Week" is up. "I before E except after C... Weird." What the hell does that mean? Why is that weird? I don't get it. Why does he have to put up TOW's that don't make any sense? He's about as confusing as this Shakespeare nonsense. diiiiing diiiiiing! Finally class is over! I before E except after C... Weird. Oh, I get it now.


Week 12 Prompt


When I was in 7th grade I had my first boyfriend. His name was Will. We really it off. We held hands on the school bus, emailed during our study halls, wrote notes during math class and snuck in a kiss or two after school. We would talk on the phone for hours on end during the weekends. Since he lived right up the road from me, I would sneak up there with my friends and we'd go for walks down the four wheeler trail.

Will was the kind of guy who was nice all the time. He never picked fights, he never broke up with me. I was the opposite, of course. The first time I broke up with Will was because he had greasy hair at school one day. The next, because I wanted to date his best friend, who was 8 inches shorter than me. Another reason, he wore the same pair of pants two days in a row. Um ew? I broke up with him a total of 11 times in the course of about 3 months. Every time though he'd crawl right back to me.

As the year began to end at school we had a semi formal dance. All of my friends made a pact that we were going to break up with our boyfriends right after semi formal was over. How mature. We did, and that was the last time that Will and I had been together that year. We went the entire summer without being together. Talking occasionally but he'd never take me back after I broke his heart that last time. I knew that I was happy with Will and I wanted to be with him still. When the next year started up, he ended up dating on of my best friends who also happened to be my cousin. I did everything I could to be a kibosh to that one. I successfully broke them up at the expense of another friends relationship ( Wow, was I really that bad?) and Will was mine for good. We dated for 6 months without one single breakup. After the end of that summer Will broke up with me for good and we never dated again. How tragic.

Week 12 Prompt

It was a hot, humid summer day in the small town of Dexter. We were all packing up our bags for the weekend trip to Old Orchard Beach.  I was packing my clothes going through my checklist. bathing suit, shorts, tops, flip flops. Everything was there. We all packed into the car and set off. On the way down we stopped at Ors Island to visit my mom's friend. He is a lobsterman and gave us a huge pot full of live crabs. We kept on driving and finally got to Old Orchard. This was the first time that I can remember being there. The last time I had gone I was too young to remember. We all got out of the car and unpacked our things into our little cottage. I shared a room with Kirstie and Christina, my mom stayed with her boyfriend in a different cottage. Matt, Brandon and Christina's mom, Kim all shared another room to themselves. 

We headed off to the beach and enjoyed the hot sun. I laid in the sand for hours and burnt my skin to a crisp. I was starting to look like those cooked crabs post bath time. I managed to pull myself out of the sand and head over to the amusement park. I sat with Christina on the ride and almost threw up all over her. We headed out to do some shopping after and then headed back to the cottage.

When we got back, the night finally began. My mom and Kim got really drunk and were acting like fools, so us kids decided to go to the pool for some night swimming. We met a guy there who was a real creep. He managed to get my sisters number then sent nude pictures of his shlong to her that night. We decided to get out of the pool at that point. When we went back into the cottage Kim was so drunk she was falling all over the place. I was laughing so hard because it was hilarious to me. Christina was so mad that she started screaming. After about ten minutes of yelling and me being in hysterical laughter, Kim busted out the door. She was staggering around the cottages and falling all over the place. She finally stopped at a huge fountain. She pulled her pants down and peed right in the fountain. I never laughed so hard in my life! Christina who was enraged, ripped the pan of cold crab water off the stove stormed out into the front yard and doused her mom in crab water! It was the funniest thing in the world. Kim got dragged back into the cottage and was thrown into the bathtub. We washed her off and put her to bed. The manager never found out about Kim's little incident and we never went back there again.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 12 Theme

Sometimes I feel dumb.
People always make fun.
My hair is blonde, it is very long
so they warrant that for a pun.

I am a tall, gangly girl.
My height makes me want to hurl.
I wish I was short and my height would abort,
I am long like a model with pearls.

I'm not a very good writer,
I have a deathly fear of spiders.
That's me in a nutshell,
and I'm not much of a fighter.

I'm terrible at poems but eh what the hell.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Week 11 Prompt


I look through the giant, red box. Each drawer lined with a rubber coating to prevent it's contents from slipping. On top of the rubber coating is a shiny, silver stick. My intriguing mind has no idea what it is. A wrench? A screwdriver? I have no idea. It just sits there staring back at me. I ask in his direction what it is, his head is too far under the motor to hear me. I shrug it off. Maybe this tool only has one use in mechanics, but what could it be used for elsewhere? The possibilities are endless!

Week 11 Prompt

# 53

Paper- something the world runs on, paper money.
The trees produce the paper, they produce the air.
In the great state of Maine, trees are a staple to us citizens.
I walk, I text, I talk, I hardly look.
The hundreds of pines that envelop the land in Maine is amazing.
I keep on texting, keep on talking and don't do a whole lot of looking.
I wish I had looked up more. The trees are beautiful, we take them for granted.
Especially when we use paper so much.

Week 11 Prompt

AKC Golden Retriever puppies, first shots, deworming. Will be ready by 11/19/13 -$1200

My very first baby, precious and beautiful. Black fur with the little red eyebrows. Her name is Scarlet.
Scarlet bit my brother, Daddy took out the shotgun, couldn't do it.
She had her puppies- little rotties running around. All of them gone in a couple of months.
Scarlet has a tumor. Vet says she needs to lose weight.
13 years later and my precious, beautiful baby was laid in the ground.

My next baby, fluffy little girl. Called her Honey Bear. She was a precious little pup.
Honey got into the trash again- bad girl.
Ran off with her new partner in crime today- Ozzy.
Honey came back, Ozzy didn't.
Three days later, a starved, dirty Ozzy showed up. Both my babies are home safe.
Honey gets pregnant, has her babies while we were all away- found three of them in the laundry.
10 babies gone so quick. Ozzy and Honey are the best of friends.
Mom decides to leave- so Honey and Ozzy have to go.
Never cried so much in my life.

New baby in the spotlight- another golden.
Brookie is what we call her.
Growing up loving everyone. Always needing attention.
Never gets into the trash, never bites, only loves unconditionally.
The day Brookie and I aren't together anymore is a day that I am dreading.

I tried to write this in the vignette style like it said in the theme to do. I think the image I'm trying to portray here is how quickly friendships go. Writing this made me bawl like a baby thinking about my old puppies. :(

Week 11 Theme

It's raining, I run in it and splash in the puddles.
It's 5 in the morning and I'm awake, I sneak out to the barn when I was told no.
I can feel the wind hitting me as I pedal my ten speed down the street.
Snuck out again, got caught this time.
We move, I cry. I'll miss that old barn.
I blow out 7 candles.
They're fighting again.
I dial 911 and tell them to come.
Another move, this time it's smaller.
I blow out 9 candles.
She works late again, I cook dinner.
Mac and cheese is my favorite.
Mom bought a new computer, I make a MySpace.
Honey got in the trash again, this time it was the bottles.
Beer cans all over the yard. I pick them up myself.
I blow out 11 candles.
Mom isn't coming home tonight, I cook dinner.
Matt choked on his food, I helped him cough it out. 
I vacuum the carpet, wash the dishes.
Another move.

The image I was trying to portray here was growing up too fast, incase you didn't get it. I think I did this right- not sure.

Week 10 Prompt


"You can not wear green pants and a green shirt! You will look like a pea!" My mom thinks she knows best, but me, being 4 years old, I know best. I suppose I will listen to her this time. We piled up in the car and headed out to the circus. I was so excited to see my favorite clown, Bo Bo. When we finally arrived my parents had laid down the law to me, I am to stay with them only. Do not let go of Matt's stroller at anytime and if I was to get lost, find a clown. Who do they think I am? We were making our way through the circus, weaving in and out of hundreds of people. I spotted one of my favorite clowns and he was giving out balloons! "Look Mommy, look!" When I looked up to grab my mom, she was no where to be found.

"Alright Danielle, can you help me out?" Bo Bo said.
"Y-yes, sir." I stammered back.
"I need you to hold this cord up nice and high so I can call for your mommy over the loudspeaker to come get you." I held the cord up as high as I could, excited to be helping, but nervous that I was never going to find my mom again. I could hear Bo Bo announcing over the loudspeaker for my mom. He called her name three times and we waited. I sat there scared as could be waiting for my mom to show up. After about ten minutes my mom rushed through the door and ripped me into her arms. "Mommy, mommy!" I yelled.
"I was so worried about you! Thank you Bo Bo so much for helping my daughter!" My mom said.
"My pleasure!" Bo Bo bent over and handed me a picture of himself that was signed. I was on cloud 9.

Week 9 Prompt


"Ta ta ta ta, come here kitty, kitty!"I cooed for my kitten to come to me. He came sprinting across the floor with his furry little paws sliding on the hardwood. I was lying on the top bunk with a broom hanging over the edge. This was how I got my kitty into bed with me. He climbed up the broom and onto my bed with me every night to sleep with me. He started his climb up and on the way clawed my arm so hard I started gushing blood. I slapped him away cursing him as he ran out of my room. "Great this is going to be friggen infected! Stupid ass cat!"

"I wish you would have bought some chips or something. I'm tired of having nothing in this stupid house!" My brother exclaimed.
"Yeah, well get a job and buy your own food!" My mom yelled back. I was just staring out the window waiting for this car ride to be over already. I hate riding in the backseat. It's not even fair that Matt gets to ride in the front. I'm older, why should he get to. Just as my mind started to get heated up I heard my mom scream. "Oh my god! Close your eyes, kids!"
"What? What's going on?" I yelled to her.
"It's the kitten, he's... he's been run over."

Week 9 Prompt

42. 3.

The wind outside looks like little swirls of powdered sugar flying through the wind. I wonder if all of the snow will stick this time or it will be gone in a day. I wonder if Matt and his friends will want something to eat for dinner when they come back from hunting. I get up from my seat and wade across the room to the stove, turn it on and get a pan hot with some oil. I noticed my cell sitting on the counter and decided to call Matt and let him know dinner would be ready in half an hour. I unlocked my screen on my phone and saw that I had 24 missed calls, 13 new texts and 6 new voicemail's. Uh oh.

Is he going to be okay? What is going to happen? I had so many questions that were flooding my mind all at once. I can't believe that he was shot. How on Earth could he have shot himself on accident? I wanted to ask Brandon but he still seemed very shaken up. My mom sat in the corner of the waiting lobby sobbing. All I could smell was old Tums and stale coffee. This was going to be a long night. It seemed like an eternity before we even heard any news. I was staring hopelessly down the hallway when I saw the doctor enter, "Mrs. Wampler, I've got good news."

Week 9 Prompt

I left school early that day to go to my house and make sure everything was tip-top shape. Everything had to be perfect about this night. Mom was gone to work the night shift, Matt was at a friends and Kirstie was with her boyfriend. I could feel the nervousness starting to prick away at my stomach. Don’t be nervous, he’s not going to judge you.

Everything was perfect. Exactly the way that I wanted it to be. He was happy, so was I. I got out of bed and walked to the fridge. I got myself a glass of water and went back to my bedroom. He was laying there sleeping looking so cute. He rolled over and smiled a sheepish smile at me. “Hey beautiful.”
“Hey” I said quietly.  I felt a tinge of nervousness flood through my body. I had just remembered something so important. I had forgotten to take my pill that week.

Week 9 Theme

She laid in her bed listening to the soft sounds of his voice echo through the phone.  How could she have not noticed such an amazing guy before now? Listening to him talk about all of his favorite things like she had been every night for the past week made her wonder about the other girl. “When are you going to end it with her?”
“I can’t tell her yet, I swore I’d never do this to her, it’ll crush her.” He said.
“It’s crushing me too, you know.”
“I know.”

His house smelled like freshly cut pine wood. Everything was so neat and tidy it was pretty strange to hr. She had never been in a house so nice before. “I can give you a tour if you’d like?”
“That’d be nice.” She said. He walked her up the stairs and into all the different bedrooms. His house was so beautiful. She could feel the tension start to build as they headed down stairs to his bedroom. As he pushed open the door to his bedroom she felt a slight twinge of nervousness deep in her belly. As soon as they stood in the bedroom he grabbed her hand and pulled her in close to him. Her entire body lit up with excitement.

She sat at her desk in class twitching nervously. She waited anxiously for her phone to buzz in her pocket. Buzz Buzz. She read the text in her head with sheer excitement. “So what do you want to do tonight?” She quickly responded, “IDC its up 2 u.” She stared at the whiteboard hardly listening to what her English teacher was rambling about. She was too focused on what he was going to suggest that they do that night. Buzz Buzz. “Well, I’ve got an idea of something that we could do…”

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 10 Prompt

"I can't breathe, I need help!" I could hear the sheer panic in her voice as she lay there curled into a ball. "Kirstie, you've got to calm down! You need to tell me what happened!" I knew it would take a lot of coaxing to get the story out of her. She was shaking so bad that I was starting to get nervous, What the hell happened to her? I tried to think of ways to help her, I kept wracking my brain from that CPR class. Was there anything in there that taught me how to deal with anxiety? I don't think so. "Kirstie you need to tell me what's going on!"
"H-he h-hit m-me." She stammered out slowly.
"Who hit you? Talk to me Kirstie!"
"J-Jermey, I t-told him I w-was l-leaving and h-he h-hit me."
"That son-of-a-bitch!"

"What's the matter, Jeremy cared of someone who's bigger than you?" I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead as I waited for my younger brother to attack him. Maybe this would be the end of Jeremey's psychotic ways and my brother would put a stop to it once and for all. "Come here you slime ball!" I saw Matt's hand raise back and then I ran the other way, I couldn't watch anymore.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week 10 Prompt

The pin pricks my skin, I feel nothing.

Rushing wind fly's by my face as I zoom down the snow covered hill. I can feel my belly getting nervous as the large portion of the hill comes up. whoosh I fly by my sister and leave her trailing in my snow. I keep on soaring and soaring until I'm completely out of the woods. I'm still flying right down through all the way onto the open field of white snow. When my sled finally comes to a halt, I'm exasperated and excited to start my trek back to the top to begin it all over again. As soon as I stand up I felt a sheer sense of pain and nervousness flood my body. I realized where I was standing, and I was paralyzed.

I couldn't feel anything except for the cold. All my mind was saying over and over was just cold. I could feel myself gasping and reaching. All I could hold onto were chunks of ice that kept breaking and separating. This is it, this is how I'm going to die. I was gasping for air every time I surfaced preparing myself for the next plunge under as my snow outfit started to fill with water. My body felt so heavy like I was carrying a cement block around my waste. I could feel my arms and legs starting to tire and figured I should just resist the fight and let myself go. I had no energy to keep moving, my ski pants were compacted and soaked with water they felt like they weighed a hundred pounds. The cold water had paralyzed my body. Just when I shut my eyes and let go of the ice scattered around my head, I felt a hand grab me by my hair.

Week 10 Theme

I can hear the screaming. It is so loud that I can hear it all the way in my bedroom across the house. I clutch my pillow hard as I listen to the sound of my mother hitting the floor. It's a diluted thud but nonetheless I can hear it plain as day. I wonder if I should go out and look, maybe call someone for help but I'm too scared that he'll come after me if I do. So I slowly tiptoe out of the comfort of my bed and creak open the door and swivel my head around the frame. It is silent, a little too silent. All of a sudden I can hear the loudest, blood curdling scream of my life. I slam my door shut and run back to my safe haven, fling the sheets over my head and silently pray that everything will be okay.

I crawl out of bed and walk down the stairs into the dining room. My stepdad sits at the table with his black robe and coffee. He's reading the newspaper and ignores my presence. My moms yells down from the kitchen saying good morning. I say it back. I can hear her slight footsteps as she walks through to the dining room, food in hand. She puts the plate down in front of him and he doesn't even make a noise. I can see last weeks bruises still on her face. She needs to put on more concealer to hide those. I look over at him to see if he has any anger in his eyes, maybe he is still upset from yesterdays debacle. I see him picking through his omelet and disgust starts to overwhelm his face. "You worthless bitch! I told you I didn't want any cheese! Get this garbage out of my face!" I quickly retreat back to my room before I see too much and hide under my sheets, my safe haven.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 8 Prompt

A city street..

Boston is such a beautiful place. Old buildings, great people, TD Garden, Fenway Park, restaurants, the T, aquarium and much more. My favorite part of Boston was walking down Yawkey Way before the game. There were street performers, MC's yelling out fun things over the intercom and hundreds of fans getting pumped up for the game. Each side has store after store all the way down the road. I could hear the vendors yelling out to the fans, "Come git ya Fenway Frank! come git ya sodah and ya hot dogs! Come on ovah heyuh and git ya souvaneahs!" I laughed to myself at their silly accents and reenacted them to my boyfriend. Out of all the places in Boston I enjoyed Yawkey Way and the Red Sox game the most.

Week 8 Prompt

We are gathered here today..

     The room was quiet and sad. I could feel all the tension around me as I looked at the casket. For something that held so much death, it was so full of life. A woman who lay there just full of life and personality. I could hear the silent sobs of people around me who mourned the death of such a great woman. A woman who was like a second mother to me. A mother herself to four wonderful children. Two so small they wouldn't remember her now.
        I kneel beside the casket as it held a precious memory to me. I talked quietly to the woman who showed me a lot about life. I silently asked her why she had to go so soon. Why did she have to leave her four amazing children behind? Why did she leave so early in their lives that two of them were in the other room completely unaware of what was going on around them? So many questions for someone who could never answer them.

Week 8 Prompt

Out in the boondocks..

        The wind is very calm and the sky is light from the huge full moon. We are driving down a windy, bumpy dirt road in the middle of nowhere. The car sounds like it's scraping on random pot holes and rocks. 5 miles down the old dirt road lies an old dirt trail. We venture down the trail with nothing but the light from the moon shining down. Huge mud puddles lay all over the trail, fresh from the afternoon rain.
          The bullfrogs start croaking louder than ever as we approach the giant rocks that surround the deep, dark lake below. The wind suddenly feels a lot colder as I look over the edge that seems so far below. My head starts to race as I think about the long plunge below me. Is it really worth it to drop all the way down there for a little adrenaline rush? As soon as I gathered my thoughts I felt the hands of my sister on my back and there I went, plunging feet first down to the deep, dark lake.

Week 8 Theme

          The wind is blowing softly and quiet. I can smell the fresh lake water air breezing around my face. The hammock is rocking back and forth sturdily holding the weight of both of us. I can hear him snoring slightly in my ear as the moonlight shines down on half of his face. I can tell he's feeling better about today now that he's with me. Like the biggest loss of his sports career didn't just happen 3 hours ago and now he's blissfully unaware of the past. After all the tears its comforting being in such a serene place.
          I can hear a loon calling to it's friends far out into the middle of the water. He seems happy too. He probably is just floating around on the water with his other loon friends having a good, peaceful time . I feel the same way laying here gently rocking back and forth. Peaceful, happy.

I think I did this right- probably have to do a re-write!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 7 Prompt

If I were to die tomorrow, I would want to go down with the memories of one person as my final thoughts. It seems cliche to write about a boyfriend but he really is special to me. He has made me laugh more than anyone on this planet. If there is a comedian that you just love to hear and think is the funniest guy, you've obviously never met Trevor. Probably the funniest thing that I've ever seen him do was not very PG. I was having a down day and he was trying to cheer me up. I was sitting on the couch in a crabby mood when he came over to me and said "do you want me to do something funny?" Of course I said yes because I love it when he makes me laugh. He told me to take my laptop and put on a song- any song I wanted. I can't even remember which song I chose but at the moment the music started to play he tore all of his clothes off- yes all of them- and started dancing. You're probably wondering "Why would you laugh at a man giving you a strip tease?" It wasn't like that though. He was dancing like an idiot running around, jumping on furniture and doing these hilarious jumps that still make me bust out in laughter thinking about. Obviously my mood went from crap to amazing all because of him. He is really great and the memories I have of him are so perfect to me I wouldn't want to think of anything else.

Week 7 Prompt

Growing up I had a lot of different baby sitters. Some were good, some were bad and some were, well horrible. I experienced all of them with my side kick, my sister. One of my baby sitters happened to be a cousin of mine. He was about 15 and I was probably 5 or 6 and my sister was about 7 or 8. We used to terrorize him to no end. My sister and I wanted some french toast one day and he refused to make it for us, so while he was playing Super Smash Bros on the nintendo 64, Kirstie and I went into the kitchen to make some ourselves. Being so young we had no idea how to make french toast. So Kirstie took two slabs of bread, threw them into the toaster and cranked that baby up to the highest setting. After about 5 minutes and a room filled with smoke, Jason, my babysitter came storming in. The same time he walked in the toast popped out of the toaster. It was completely charred black. After seeing what Kirstie had done, Jason forced her to eat the "french toast" I was losing my mind with laughter which set Jason off even more. He told us both to go to our room and locked us in with the old chair under the door knob trick. Little did he know there was a back door for us to exit. We both snuck out the back way and when Jason wasn't looking, we poured grape juice all down his back. My sister and I terrorized Jason until finally he quit. We went through more babysitters than most and to this day we are like two peas in a pod causing havoc.

Week 7 Prompt

Danielle isn't as bad as some people make her out to be. She isn't THAT mean to people. Sure she has her moments, but sometimes those moments are good. One time I was in school and being picked on by a fellow classmate of ours. The girl was yelling in my face and seemed like she was going to hit me- all because her boyfriend had texted me. Danielle went right up to her and said "knock it off" the girl was so scared of Danielle she took off running. It may not seem like a lot to some people, but it meant the world to me to have her do that.

True story, the girl I stood up for has thanked me a million times for it.

week 7 theme

I was walking down the road once as a child. I had just been dropped off by the bus and was walking up the street as I did every day. Probably a street far too long to walk for an 8 year old but I did it anyway to avoid an extra hour on the horrible smelling bus. Anyway, I was walking along the side of the road kicking rocks as I always did and a truck pulled up beside me. A small green shit box of a truck and inside it was a shit box of a man behind the wheel. He had a long "white" beard- it was really stained yellow and had strange clumps in it. He pulled up beside me right next to me actually, -I now blame myself for not walking on the correct side of the street- and asked me if I wanted a ride home. Of course my mom had taught me one thing in life was to never get in a car with a stranger. I said no thanks and continued walking. He drove up beside me even more and asked me if I was sure. Uh yeah, pretty sure, thanks. I started to walk a little faster now because he was being persistent. He drove even closer to me practically forcing me into the ditch and said "I think you're a little too young to be walking alone, how about you hop on in my truck?"
"No thank you sir." I practically yelled at him. My house was only a few houses down by this time so I was praying to god he'd finally drive off, or I'd get to my house before he snatched me up. He then looked at me and said "Get your ass in my truck, now." I started to cry and run all at the same time. I took off in a dead sprint. I never ran so hard in my life. I looked back to see where he was and lucky for me he was turning around to leave. I kick myself every time I think about this story for not getting his license plate number. That was the last time I ever saw him.

Week 6 Prompt

Seeing the outside of TD Garden was not like I had imagined it. The building stood very long and not as tall as I had thought it would. Inside was incredible, however. Thousands of yellow seats littered the sides of the stadium. All different aisles could be made out across the stadium. The floor was even more pretty in person. Really nice wooden finish with Celtics painted across it. The players were lucky to play in such a nice stadium. The seats began to fill quick and suddenly the mustard yellow seats were now turning green with very few hints of black and red scattered about. Sitting way up high I could see the floor begin to be covered with tall, green poles of men on one side and the other tall, black and red men. Not a seat in the auditorium was full because everyone was on their feet.

Week 6 prompt

My room is a quiet, calm environment. It is a tranquil place for me to be. The bed lies big in the room taking up most of the tiny floor. Covered in a leopard print blanket that rests on top of a 3 inch memory foam topper. The walls are painted a calm beige that brings my headaches down tremendously. Plastered onto the walls are posters of leopards, and animals. Seeing the animals really brings a sense of nature into the room and makes me feel like I'm in a jungle, a peaceful, tranquil jungle.

Week 6 Prompt


Up the old dirt road about 2 miles lays one of the fondest memories of my childhood. The entrance is still gated off by an old rusty, yellow chain with a sign that reads "Do not enter". Right next to the chain is a beaten down path where young teens clearly ignored the sign and entered anyway. Past the chain holds a huge place of memories. Giant sand dunes that stretched what seemed like 100 feet high and a million miles out into the horizon. The hills brought back so many memories of little kittens being rolled down the sandy hills.* Over to the right of the giant hills laid a cave that enclosed around a small dune of sand. It was still partially intact. After about 10 years of wear and tear our little man made sand cave was still standing. The what used to be frog pond is all dried up and now lays a vast plane of dried and cracked sand.  A lot of grass has over taken the whole area but it still mainly sand.

*None of the kittens were hurt- just a little game my friend and I did it was harmless. :)

Funny this is a prompt because I actually just visited this place about a week ago so the memory is fresh in my mind!

Week 6 theme

The room was hot, a little too hot. It smelled of sweaty socks and salty tears. Big, red lockers coated the walls from top to bottom. The room was very somber. In one corner was a group of girls who sat on the floor gripping their heads. Across the solid wood bench was another girl face down crying. I looked across the room over and over again noting all of the details to keep my mind of the inevitable. Small black locks hung from the lockers. Across from me sat a big goalie bag; dirty and stunk of pure sweat. Possibly where the majority of the stench was coming from. On the wall was a huge mural of past successes. Team photos holding the state champion trophy, probably about 40 different articles of success plastered onto the window like a shrine of our program. Photos of our team from past years celebrating, screaming with happiness and now this- a room full of crying high school girls who would no longer have the chance to put their memory on the wall of fame.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 5 Prompt REDONE

I had a boyfriend once who I thought sun shined out his ass. Boy, was I wrong. He seemed like the perfect guy, sucked in school, had no job, no college ambitions and best of all made me feel like crap about myself. I was so young and stupid I thought these were all admirable traits- or I was just naïve. I thought that him and I were going to get married when I graduated high school.  

We met through my sister. He was new to the school and befriended her. She took me with them to go four wheeling and fishing. Our relationship turned out as really good friends; after awhile a lot of feelings started to light between us. We started going four wheeling without my sister- just the two of us. We would go riding from early in the morning till late at night and go fishing all day. It was the life. Spending time in the outdoors with a great guy. Eventually, we both expressed our feelings for each other, and soon after we were dating. I thought he was perfect. He was very nice, smart (little did I know he was actually dumber than a pile of rocks) and he was pretty attractive.

Our relationship started to hit off and we had been dating for about a year when I found out about his little "addiction" I was doing some homework with his laptop and needed to go though his history to find a page I had been on. While searching I happened across mass amounts of porn sites. Uh, no. I immediately lashed out on him. Screaming and saying I wasn't good enough for him. He tried to reassure me that I was but I wasn't buying it.

 For months I would catch him lying about his addiction and each time it would break me down even more. At this point it hurt me more knowing that he was lying to my face rather than the porn itself. I started to realize that his lying, terrible grades and lack of affection were not for me. The last time that I had caught him lying- this was probably the 30th time and the 10th break up I ended it for good. I knew deep in my hear that he wasn't the man for me and never would be. His lack of dedication to our relationship really drove it home for me. I told myself there was someone better out there for me and there was. Sometimes I wonder if I was too hard on him for his porn addiction, but then I realize that my current boyfriend doesn't have that issue so I don't feel bad at all.