I will write another ten step procedure because it was fun and reflects me a lot without letting the reader know who is writing it!
10 Reasons why everyone should date a cheerleader
#1 They can bend... in any position.
#2 They are loud- this isn't always a bad thing.
#3 They can be a good show-off tool at parties. Drunk tumbling anyone?
#4 She won't be shy when she meets your parents. Maybe that should go on the ten reasons NOT to date a cheerleader?
#5 They can dance like no ones business.
#6 They usually are fit and look good in tight clothes.
#7 Contrary to popular belief, they are smart. How many people do you know can count to 8 for 2:30 seconds straight without losing track?
#8 Performing daunting tasks with a smile on their face since 800 B.C. (Not the real date, FYI)
#9 She will cheer you on during any task. (G-O wash those dishes Go!)
#10 Refer to #1.
A saucy spicy little piece! I think # 9 is my favorite--I wish my wife would cheer when I start a load of laundry....