Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 13 Prompt


Houses hold all kinds of treasures. Old memories that you didn't know existed. Under the floorboards are old plywood pieces with the names of the homeowners in 1895 the year the house was built. Only to be discovered a hundred years later by a renovating couple. It has the potential to evoke a lot of emotion and bring a feeling of nostalgia.

Going through my closet feels the same way. Unraveling old homework assignments from my freshman year of high school. Seeing how my terrible penmanship hasn't changed a bit. The un-dotted i  and the hook on my r's. Reading different assignments about what I want to do with my future. Being a psychiatrist and wondering what the hell I was thinking. Maybe I should've seen one and asked them why I actually considered going to college for 8+ years.

Going through my closet and finding old photos and old friends. Wondering why I chose the outfits that I did while my cheeks turn rosy with embarrassment. It makes me think that in another five or ten years, I will be looking back on my life now. Maybe I'll even go on this blog and see how atrocious my sentence structure is.  Embarrassed to show any of my future students.* I think that I will look back at old photos of myself, my boyfriend, my friends and kick myself for missing opportunities. I hope there is more happiness in my future than regret.

*Going to be an English teacher :)

1 comment:

  1. "Going to be an English teacher :)"

    I don't know whether to congratulate you or offer condolences or whether you're kidding me! 42.5 years I've been at it, but I'm calling it quits in three weeks.
