Thursday, September 5, 2013

Theme Week 2

I walk into the classroom and sit down at my desk. Seeing all my friends with their pink Razr phones makes me want to slap all of them. It's not fair that I don't get to have a phone. I write about not having a phone as a persuasive essay assignments addressed to my mother- she still won't get me one, though.

It's finally here! my very own pink Razr phone. Of course it is now outdated and everyone else has full keyboards but I'm perfectly content with my little Razr. I can now make phone calls to my boyfriend- his house phone of course- who has yet to have the great privilege of having such a high-tech device like me. I rubbed it in his face.

After a long time of convincing my mother I was finally able to upgrade my very first cell phone to a phone with- get this- a full keyboard! I ran my fingers all along the letters hitting each one over and over as if it was magic that I no longer was chained to the infamous T9 style of texting.  However, always being the girl that is behind, my friends sprung ahead of me and now have phones that have touch screen. It really is quite depressing that I am always behind, but I was content with my keyboard.

Months later my friends all had upgraded to the newest most innovative cell phone, ones that could hold the most grand thing known to man- internet. After careful observation I have come to the realization that I will always be a step behind everyone else. Maybe one day I will win the lottery and be able to buy the latest, greatest technology there is. But for now I'm happy with my touch screen/ keyboard phone with no internet access. That is what laptops are for anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't resist checking out your memories:


    I enjoyed reading this--it was funny in a not-mean way and did what I really hope this week 2 assignment does: lets a student run with a piece of history, a piece that really touches their lives. Just imagine if you had to go back to a hot pink Razr! The looks of pity you'd get!

    So, for me, this is what the week 2 assignment is all about--perspective, the past, seeing how you fit into the river of change we call time.
