Thursday, September 5, 2013

Journal Entry # 3

As I sit in my house waiting for the laundry to finish drying I wonder what it'd be like to have laundry that folds itself; or even laundry that switches from the washer to the dryer automatically. I've thought about inventing this machine that transfers all of the wet, washed clothes over to the dryer and automatically starts. That would save a lot of the hassle that comes with remembering to switch over laundry. It would take away from mildew and rust stains in the washing machine. It would be designed so when setting the washing machine you can set how long you want the clothes to be dried and throw the dryer sheet in before hand. This is something that I think about quite often. I think it could be made pretty easily and I'd make millions. Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about the washer/dryer combo, but I have my family's answer to the drudgery of folding laundry: roll it up in balls and heaps and toss it into the drawer like that! It's worked for us for 45 years!
