Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 1, Part 2. Theme: Know thyself... know thyself?

Journal Entry 1

Waking up for school in the morning is extremely difficult for me. Knowing that I have to go to class and spend my day listening to teachers ramble on about things is just annoying. It is quite funny that I find class to be so irritating especially considering that I want to be an English teacher. Maybe I should try and look at class in a different light.
Classes wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to wake up early in the morning. I think the worst part about them is sitting there counting the seconds until I get to come home. I think this is why I like online classes so much. When I become a teacher I’m going to try my hardest to make my classes fun for everyone.

P.s. I'm not sure if this is done correctly, please forgive me if I've messed up my first journal entry.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorta laughing at your hating on teachers talking in class--but I have to admit I'd rather poke a sharp stick in my eye than be a student again or take a class. I've pretty much been out of the student side since 1971, and thank god for that because teachers can be a bunch of boring, petty, power-hungry jerks!

    Just make sure you do right when you become a teacher and avoid being the three things I just mentioned!
